

Ukraine Newsletter - August 2009

Greetings to you! August 2009

We are well and enjoying the warmth of summer and the joys that God, during the last few months, has brought into our family.

Jesse: Hello, everyone. I’m helping dad at the work site and that’s pretty fun. I guess I’m not really looking forward to starting school next week, but that’s ok. I’ve enjoyed summer holidays – playing with friends and going camping… even doing “nothing, (reading and what-not). It’s been a good summer, but strangely, I’m looking forward to the snow already. Bye.

Marie: Hi, everyone. I’m enjoying summer holidays – sleeping-in this morning, playing outside, and going to the beach. Some friends from America came over this summer. I really enjoyed that. We talked on Skype a fair bit before they came. Today, I made a batch of Congo-bars. I reckon I’ll do a lot more cooking over the summer. I love working in the kitchen.

From a Window Overlooking Rzhyshchiv

clip_image001Hello once again…

I’ve just got back from a Bible study in Baleko Shuchenko, the village about 5 km away from us. We really enjoyed our time together looking at Matthew 5 after scrapping our study from John 5. It was good. On the drive home, we clip_image002[11]exclaimed at the pleasure it was driving on roads cleared of snow after a long winter. It snows now as I type, but it isn’t settling.

The family is well. The three older children progress well with their school-work and are filing information away at an energetic youthful rate. Elle will start next year and is waiting in high clip_image001[15]anticipation. Oh, to read!

Jesse is beating me at chess! Someone trained him too well!! He and the lads who live nearby are often seen gallivanting around the neighborhood and he is going to be a killer table tennis player in a few years. (Lookout, Uncle Jono!) His love for the Lord is a delight - much more so than his sporting prowess!

Marie is, at 11, becoming quite independent. This morning, she baked muffins for breakfast! Perfect. She relished the chance to do some shopping for us this morning down-town before school. Oh! This last week, she has enjoyed the interaction through “Skype” with a couple of friends from America!

January 2009 Newsletter

Greetings! January 15, 2009

clip_image002Heard about Ukraine in the news recently? Heard about the gas problems? How does Ukraine do it? It seems to always find itself in hot water… or cold water as the case is right now. I understand that the Ukrainian government is keen to get the best deal for gas that they can, so they are holding out for that price until the spring when the prices are lower. Meanwhile, Russia incites the masses by saying Ukraine is stealing from the gas pipeline and Ukraine incites the masses by saying Russia isn’t pumping enough or giving them enough gas to operate the pumps so that Europe can receive gas. (Reminds me of poker.) The gas being pumped makes the house smell sometimes and doesn’t produce heat like last year. But even if the pressure is lower, at least we still have it! On cold days, Pris is very happy to light up the new wood stove.

Praise God from whom all blessings flow

This letter is attached as a PDF file at the bottom of this article, it's highly recommended to view that to read this letter. The photos will be bigger and there's more of them. All the photos are also in the Photo Galleries.

August, 2008
Dobriy utra. Gospod velik i ya rad sluzhit emy!
Good morning. The Lord is great and I’m happy to be serving Him!

We have entered the middle days of summer and I love it! These temps (18ºC - 30ºC) are “Garden of Eden” temperatures. They are beautiful days on which to work, swim, play volleyball, camp, etc. etc… About the only negative I can think of is driving around in an overheating vehicle in Kiev traffic (which we did yesterday). We turned the heater on full-blast and just managed to keep the temps in the radiator below 100º.

The family is fine.